Compressive sensing (CS) is a fundamentally interdisciplinary topic, with interplay between applied/pure mathematics and engineering serving to fertilize innovative researches opening new frontiers. The impact of CS goes far beyond compression and classical signal processing. Whenever acquiring/inverting data/information is difficult, dangerous, or expensive, it is possible to proceed with much less data/information than previously thought possible. Such a possibility has been rapidly exploited in several and different ranges of practical electromagnetic problems almost always leading to striking results that significantly advance the state‐of‐the‐art.
- Day 1: CS Introduction and Theoretical Basis
- Day 2: Applications of CS in Antenna Design and Engineering
- Day 3: Applications of CS in Inverse Problems and Imaging
- Day 4: Further Issues & Advanced Topics in CS
Prof. Andrea MASSA
ELEDIA Research Center HQ
Trento, Italy
Prof. Tommaso ISERNIA
Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Reggio Calabria, Italy
Prof. Marco Donald MIGLIORE
ELEDIA Research Center (ELEDIA@UniCAS)
Cassino, Italy
Prof. Giacomo OLIVERI
ELEDIA Research Center (ELEDIA@L2S)
Gif-sur-Yvette, France